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Escudo del Victoria Kent

Partidos del Victoria Kent


Noticias del Victoria Kent

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El BeSoccer CD UMA Antequera se estrena en pretemporada

Una primera parte muy efectiva le sirvió al BeSoccer CD UMA Antequera para superar a un rival que mostró un mejor rendimiento en la segunda consiguiendo ajustar el marcador en los últimos lances ante el Victoria Kent FS.

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  CONSULTAS (28)  
0.0147  SELECT type FROM routes WHERE alias = 'cd-victoria-kent-futsal'
0.0156  SELECT dt.*,c.active_year,l.year,l.table_suffix, c.ctype, l.id as league_id,t.id as id,t.manager,t.name as nameOriginal,dt.id as teamId,cou.Name as cou_name,cou.Continent,cou.Region FROM `leagues_webci` as l INNER JOIN `teams` as t ON l.id = t.league_id INNER JOIN `datateams` as dt ON dt.id = t.teamId INNER JOIN `categories_webci` as c ON c.id = l.categoryId LEFT JOIN country cou ON LOWER(cou.Code2) = dt.CountryCode WHERE dt.basealias = 'Cd-Victoria-Kent-Futsal' AND l.year = 2023 ORDER BY c.top DESC, c.ctype != 12 DESC, c.troncal DESC, l.end_date >= NOW() DESC, l.start_date <= NOW() DESC, l.year DESC, c.coefficient DESC, l.id ASC
0.0145  SELECT dp.nick, dp.fullname,rp.date_ini, rp.date_end FROM futbol.rel_people rp INNER JOIN futbol.datapeople dp on dp.id=rp.people_id WHERE rp.teamId=8304 AND role_id=1 ORDER BY rp.date_ini DESC LIMIT 1
0.0145  SELECT dp.nick, dp.fullname,rp.date_ini, rp.date_end FROM futbol.rel_people rp INNER JOIN futbol.datapeople dp on dp.id=rp.people_id WHERE rp.teamId=8304 AND role_id=1 ORDER BY rp.date_ini DESC LIMIT 1
0.0291  SELECT c.*, l.*, cou.name as namec, ct.table_sufix FROM (leagues l INNER JOIN categories c ON c.id = l.categoryId INNER JOIN categories_types ct ON c.ctype=ct.id LEFT JOIN country cou ON cou.Code2 = c.CountryCode) WHERE l.id = 69443
0.0144  SELECT total FROM bs_rel_resume_items WHERE ln = 'es' AND itemId=8304 AND type_rel = 2
0.0147  SELECT rel.newId FROM bs_news_rel rel WHERE rel.type_rel = 2 AND rel.typeId = 8304 AND rel.ln = 'es' ORDER BY rel.cover_points DESC LIMIT 5
0.0147  SELECT /*35 bs_news_model*/ n.id, n.author_id, n.headline, n.external_headline, n.live_headline, n.creation_date, n.update_date, n.pub_date, n.alias, n.subheadline, n.teaser, n.media, n.tags, n.views, n.screens, n.clicks, n.relations, n.comments, n.power_cover, n.cover_points, u.name as user_name FROM bs_news n INNER JOIN bs_editors u ON u.id = n.author_id AND u.ln = 'es' WHERE n.status = 1 AND n.ln = 'es' AND n.id IN (699992) ORDER BY n.cover_points DESC, update_date DESC
0.0155  SELECT cat.logo,cat.official,cat.location,dt.nameShow,dt.basealias,t.teamId,l.year,t.qod,cat.coefficient,cat.active_year,cat.name,l.group_code,l.total_group,cat.alias,l.categoryId,l.year,l.id as league_id FROM datateams dt INNER JOIN teams t ON t.teamId = dt.id INNER JOIN leagues l ON l.id = t.league_id INNER JOIN categories cat ON cat.id = l.categoryId WHERE dt.id = '8304' ORDER BY l.year DESC,cat.coefficient DESC
0.0171  SELECT cat.logo,cat.official,cat.location,dt.nameShow,dt.basealias,t.teamId,l.year,t.qod,cat.coefficient,cat.active_year,cat.name,l.group_code,l.total_group,cat.alias,l.categoryId,l.year,l.id as league_id FROM datateams dt INNER JOIN teams t ON t.teamId = dt.id INNER JOIN leagues l ON l.id = t.league_id INNER JOIN categories cat ON cat.id = l.categoryId WHERE dt.id = '8304' AND l.year = 2023 ORDER BY l.year DESC,cat.coefficient DESC
0.0168  SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE res.id as id, res.group_code, res.total_group, res.logo, res.alias FROM (SELECT ct.active_year, ct.id as id, l.year, l.end,l.group_code, l.total_group, ct.logo, ct.alias FROM categories AS ct INNER JOIN leagues AS l ON ct.id=l.categoryId AND ct.active_year=l.year INNER JOIN teams AS t ON l.id=t.league_id WHERE t.teamId = '8304' AND ct.ctype!=12 GROUP BY ct.id ORDER BY ct.troncal DESC, ct.coefficient DESC) res WHERE res.year > 2020
0.0154  SELECT t.id,t.teamId,t.total_players,dt.nameShow,dt.basealias FROM teams t INNER JOIN datateams dt ON t.teamId = dt.id WHERE t.league_id = 69443 ORDER BY dt.relations DESC, dt.nameShow ASC LIMIT 50
0.0149  (SELECT cat.id as category_id, cat.logo, l.id,cat.alias,cat.name,l.group_code,l.total_group,cat.CountryCode,max(c.shedule) ult_partido,min(c.shedule) ini_partido,cat.coefficient FROM leagues l INNER JOIN categories as cat ON cat.id = l.categoryId INNER JOIN calendars2023 as c ON c.league_id = l.id WHERE (c.datateam1 = 8304 or c.datateam2 = 8304) AND ABS(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(c.shedule)-UNIX_TIMESTAMP())<120*3600*24 AND l.year = 2023 GROUP BY cat.id) ORDER BY coefficient DESC,group_code ASC
0.0149  (SELECT cat.id as category_id, l.year,cat.coefficient,c.extra,c.datateam1,c.datateam2,c.id as mid,c.r1,c.r2,c.shedule,c.team1,c.team2,l.id,dt1.nameShow as nameShow1,dt2.nameShow as nameShow2,dt1.basealias as basealias1,dt2.basealias as basealias2,c.comments as totalcomments FROM leagues l INNER JOIN categories as cat ON cat.id = l.categoryId INNER JOIN calendars2023 as c ON c.league_id = l.id INNER JOIN teams t1 ON t1.id = c.team1 INNER JOIN teams t2 ON t2.id = c.team2 INNER JOIN datateams dt1 ON dt1.id = t1.teamId INNER JOIN datateams dt2 ON dt2.id = t2.teamId WHERE (c.datateam1 = 8304 or c.datateam2 = 8304) AND ABS(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(c.shedule)-UNIX_TIMESTAMP())<120*3600*24 AND l.year = 2023 GROUP BY c.id) ORDER BY shedule DESC LIMIT 120
0.0146  (SELECT c.id, rel.team_id FROM leagues l INNER JOIN calendars2023 as c ON c.league_id = l.id INNER JOIN events2023 as e ON e.team1id = c.team1 AND e.team2id = c.team2 AND (e.action = 3 OR e.action = 4) INNER JOIN rel_players rel ON rel.player_id = e.player_id AND rel.in_squad = 1 AND rel.league_id = e.league_id AND rel.in_squad = 1 WHERE (c.datateam1 = 8304 or c.datateam2 = 8304) AND ABS(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(c.shedule)-UNIX_TIMESTAMP())<120*3600*24 AND l.year = 2023)
0.0146  (SELECT cat.id as category_id, cat.logo, l.id,cat.alias,cat.name,l.group_code,l.total_group,cat.CountryCode,max(c.shedule) ult_partido,min(c.shedule) ini_partido,cat.coefficient FROM leagues l INNER JOIN categories as cat ON cat.id = l.categoryId INNER JOIN calendars2023_base as c ON c.league_id = l.id WHERE (c.datateam1 = 8304 or c.datateam2 = 8304) AND ABS(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(c.shedule)-UNIX_TIMESTAMP())<120*3600*24 AND l.year = 2023 GROUP BY cat.id) ORDER BY coefficient DESC,group_code ASC
0.0147  (SELECT cat.id as category_id, l.year,cat.coefficient,c.extra,c.datateam1,c.datateam2,c.id as mid,c.r1,c.r2,c.shedule,c.team1,c.team2,l.id,dt1.nameShow as nameShow1,dt2.nameShow as nameShow2,dt1.basealias as basealias1,dt2.basealias as basealias2,c.comments as totalcomments FROM leagues l INNER JOIN categories as cat ON cat.id = l.categoryId INNER JOIN calendars2023_base as c ON c.league_id = l.id INNER JOIN teams t1 ON t1.id = c.team1 INNER JOIN teams t2 ON t2.id = c.team2 INNER JOIN datateams dt1 ON dt1.id = t1.teamId INNER JOIN datateams dt2 ON dt2.id = t2.teamId WHERE (c.datateam1 = 8304 or c.datateam2 = 8304) AND ABS(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(c.shedule)-UNIX_TIMESTAMP())<120*3600*24 AND l.year = 2023 GROUP BY c.id) ORDER BY shedule DESC LIMIT 120
0.0147  (SELECT c.id, rel.team_id FROM leagues l INNER JOIN calendars2023_base as c ON c.league_id = l.id INNER JOIN events2023_base as e ON e.team1id = c.team1 AND e.team2id = c.team2 AND (e.action = 3 OR e.action = 4) INNER JOIN rel_players_base rel ON rel.player_id = e.player_id AND rel.in_squad = 1 AND rel.league_id = e.league_id AND rel.in_squad = 1 WHERE (c.datateam1 = 8304 or c.datateam2 = 8304) AND ABS(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(c.shedule)-UNIX_TIMESTAMP())<120*3600*24 AND l.year = 2023)
0.0148  SELECT t.id as team_id, ct.id, l.id as idLeague, l.year, ct.name, l.start_date, l.end_date FROM categories AS ct INNER JOIN leagues AS l ON ct.id=l.categoryId INNER JOIN teams AS t ON l.id=t.league_id WHERE t.teamId=8304 AND l.year in (2022,2023,2024) ORDER BY l.id DESC, l.year DESC ;
0.0147  SELECT ct.id, ct.alias, ct.name AS name, ct.active_year, ct.coefficient AS coefficient, l.id AS league_id, l.year, l.total_group FROM categories AS ct INNER JOIN leagues AS l ON ct.id=l.categoryId WHERE l.id IN (69443,63800) ORDER BY ct.ctype != 12 DESC, ct.troncal DESC, ct.coefficient DESC, l.end_date >= NOW() DESC, l.start_date <= NOW() DESC, l.year DESC, ct.coefficient DESC, l.group_code ASC
0.0146  SELECT count(id) as num_players from rel_players WHERE league_id = 63800 AND teamId = 8304
0.0145  SELECT count(id) as num_players from rel_players WHERE league_id = 69443 AND teamId = 8304
0.0146  SELECT p.* FROM `rel_pictures` as rp INNER JOIN `pictures` as p ON p.id = rp.id_picture INNER JOIN fa_user u ON u.id = p.author_id WHERE rp.id_content = '8304' and rp.type = 4 GROUP BY p.id ORDER BY p.id DESC LIMIT 0, 16
0.0145  SELECT count(id_content) as cuenta FROM `rel_pictures` as rp WHERE rp.id_content = '8304' and rp.type = 4
0.0146  SELECT p.* FROM `rel_videos` as rp INNER JOIN `videos` as p ON p.id = rp.id_video INNER JOIN fa_user u ON u.id = p.author_id WHERE rp.id_content = '8304' and rp.type = 4 GROUP BY p.id ORDER BY p.id DESC LIMIT 0, 18
0.0146  SELECT e.action,rp.player_id, count(e.action) as total, p.nick,p.name,p.last_name,p.alias,rp.team_id FROM `rel_players` rp INNER JOIN dataplayers p ON p.id = rp.player_id INNER JOIN events2023 e ON e.player_id = p.id AND e.league_id = 69443 WHERE rp.league_id = 69443 AND rp.teamId = 8304 AND (e.action = 1 or e.action = 2 or e.action = 11 or e.action = 12 or e.action = 13) GROUP BY p.id ORDER BY total DESC LIMIT 30
0.0146  SELECT e.action,rp.player_id, count(e.action) as total, p.nick,p.name,p.last_name,p.alias,rp.team_id FROM `rel_players` rp INNER JOIN dataplayers p ON p.id = rp.player_id INNER JOIN events2023 e ON e.player_id = p.id AND e.league_id = 69443 WHERE rp.league_id = 69443 AND rp.teamId = 8304 AND (e.action = 4 or e.action = 5) GROUP BY p.id ORDER BY total DESC LIMIT 30
0.0147  SELECT e.action,rp.player_id, count(e.action) as total, p.nick,p.name,p.last_name,p.alias,rp.team_id FROM `rel_players` rp INNER JOIN dataplayers p ON p.id = rp.player_id INNER JOIN events2023 e ON e.player_id = p.id AND e.league_id = 69443 WHERE rp.league_id = 69443 AND rp.teamId = 8304 AND (e.action = 3 or e.action = 4) GROUP BY p.id ORDER BY total DESC LIMIT 30