4.793.283 resultados, 29.450.556 comentarios, 1.037.175 imágenes, 80.044 vídeos, 86.434 noticias
TEMPORADA 2023/2024
Equipo PJ GF GC Puntos
1 Jordania Sub 23 Jordania 3 12 0 9
2 Omán Sub 23 Omán 3 5 1 6
3 Siria Sub 23 Siria 3 11 4 3
4 Brunei Sub 23 Brunei 3 0 23 0
5 Catar Sub 23 Catar 3 9 0 9
6 Corea del Sur Sub 23 Corea 3 4 2 6
7 Kirguistán Sub 23 Kirguistán 3 1 3 1
8 Myanmar Sub 23 Myanmar 3 1 10 1
9 Vietnam Sub 23 Vietnam 3 9 2 7
10 Yemen Sub 23 Yemen 3 8 2 6
11 Singapur Sub 23 Singapur 3 3 6 2
12 Guam Sub 23 Guam Sub 23 3 2 12 1
13 Japón Sub 23 Japón 3 7 0 7
14 Palestina Sub 23 Palestina 3 3 2 6
15 Bahréin Sub 23 Bahréin 3 3 2 4
16 Pakistán Sub 23 Pakistán 3 2 11 0
17 Uzbekistán Sub 23 Uzbekistán 3 19 1 9
18 Irán Sub 23 Irán 3 7 1 6
19 Afganistán Sub 23 Afganistán 3 1 12 1
20 Hong Kong Sub 23 Hong Kong 3 0 13 1
21 Iraq Sub 23 Iraq Sub 23 3 21 2 7
22 Kuwait Sub 23 Kuwait 3 9 2 7
23 Timor Oriental Sub 23 Timor 3 5 10 3
24 Macao Sub 23 Macao 3 0 21 0
25 Emiratos Árabes Sub 23 Emiratos 2 3 0 4
26 China Sub 23 China 2 2 1 4
27 Maldivas Sub 23 Maldivas 0 0 0 0
28 India Sub 23 India 2 1 5 0
29 Tailandia Sub 23 Tailandia 3 9 0 9
30 Malasia Sub 23 Malasia 3 6 1 6
31 Filipinas Sub 23 Filipinas 3 1 9 3
32 Bangladesh Sub 23 Bangladesh 3 0 6 0
33 Australia Sub 23 Australia 2 8 2 4
34 Tayikistán Sub 23 Tayikistán 2 3 2 4
35 Corea del Norte Sub 23 Corea Norte 0 0 0 0
36 Laos Sub 23 Laos Sub 23 2 2 9 0
37 Arabia Saudí Sub 23 Arabia 3 12 2 9
38 Camboya Sub 23 Camboya 3 5 9 4
39 Líbano Sub 23 Líbano 3 3 6 2
40 Mongolia Sub 23 Mongolia 3 3 6 1
41 Indonesia Sub 23 Indonesia 2 11 0 6
42 Turkmenistán Sub 23 Turkmenistá 2 4 2 3
43 China Taipei Sub 23 China Taipei 2 0 13 0
TEMPORADA 2021/2022
Equipo PJ GF GC Puntos
1 Catar Sub 23 Catar 3 9 1 7
2 Siria Sub 23 Siria 3 6 1 5
3 Yemen Sub 23 Yemen 3 3 3 4
4 Sri Lanka Sub 23 Lanka 3 0 13 0
5 Irán Sub 23 Irán 3 9 2 9
6 Tayikistán Sub 23 Tayikistán 3 9 3 6
7 Líbano Sub 23 Líbano 3 4 3 3
8 Nepal Sub 23 Nepal 3 0 14 0
9 Iraq Sub 23 Iraq Sub 23 2 7 0 6
10 Bahréin Sub 23 Bahréin 2 3 3 3
11 Afganistán Sub 23 Afganistán 0 0 0 0
12 Maldivas Sub 23 Maldivas 2 0 7 0
13 Uzbekistán Sub 23 Uzbekistán 3 13 3 7
14 Kuwait Sub 23 Kuwait 3 4 6 6
15 Arabia Saudí Sub 23 Arabia 3 6 4 4
16 Bangladesh Sub 23 Bangladesh 3 0 10 0
17 Emiratos Árabes Sub 23 Emiratos 3 4 2 6
18 India Sub 23 India 3 2 2 4
19 Kirguistán Sub 23 Kirguistán 3 2 2 4
20 Omán Sub 23 Omán 3 2 4 3
21 Jordania Sub 23 Jordania 2 2 1 4
22 Turkmenistán Sub 23 Turkmenistá 2 3 2 3
23 Palestina Sub 23 Palestina 2 2 4 1
24 Australia Sub 23 Australia 2 4 2 6
25 Brunei Sub 23 Brunei 0 0 0 0
26 China Sub 23 China 0 0 0 0
27 Indonesia Sub 23 Indonesia 2 2 4 0
28 Corea del Sur Sub 23 Corea 3 14 1 9
29 Singapur Sub 23 Singapur 3 4 7 4
30 Timor Oriental Sub 23 Timor 3 3 8 4
31 Filipinas Sub 23 Filipinas 3 0 5 0
32 Vietnam Sub 23 Vietnam 2 2 0 6
33 Myanmar Sub 23 Myanmar 2 1 1 3
34 China Taipei Sub 23 China Taipei 2 0 2 0
35 Malasia Sub 23 Malasia 3 2 0 7
36 Tailandia Sub 23 Tailandia 3 4 1 5
37 Laos Sub 23 Laos Sub 23 3 3 6 3
38 Mongolia Sub 23 Mongolia 3 3 5 1
39 Japón Sub 23 Japón 2 8 0 6
40 Camboya Sub 23 Camboya 2 4 6 3
41 Hong Kong Sub 23 Hong Kong 2 2 8 0
TEMPORADA 2019/2020
Equipo PJ GF GC Puntos
1 Catar Sub 23 Catar 3 9 2 7
2 Omán Sub 23 Omán 3 5 3 7
3 Afganistán Sub 23 Afganistán 3 3 4 3
4 Nepal Sub 23 Nepal 3 0 8 0
5 Bahréin Sub 23 Bahréin 3 12 0 9
6 Palestina Sub 23 Palestina 3 10 2 6
7 Bangladesh Sub 23 Bangladesh 3 2 2 3
8 Sri Lanka Sub 23 Lanka 3 0 20 0
9 Iraq Sub 23 Iraq Sub 23 3 7 0 7
10 Irán Sub 23 Irán 3 6 1 7
11 Turkmenistán Sub 23 Turkmenistá 3 1 5 1
12 Yemen Sub 23 Yemen 3 0 8 1
13 Emiratos Árabes Sub 23 Emiratos 3 10 2 7
14 Arabia Saudí Sub 23 Arabia 3 9 1 7
15 Líbano Sub 23 Líbano 3 7 8 3
16 Maldivas Sub 23 Maldivas 3 0 15 0
17 Jordania Sub 23 Jordania 3 6 2 7
18 Siria Sub 23 Siria 3 5 1 7
19 Kuwait Sub 23 Kuwait 3 4 6 3
20 Kirguistán Sub 23 Kirguistán 3 2 8 0
21 Uzbekistán Sub 23 Uzbekistán 2 3 0 4
22 Tayikistán Sub 23 Tayikistán 2 2 0 4
23 Pakistán Sub 23 Pakistán 0 0 0 0
24 India Sub 23 India 2 0 5 0
25 Corea del Norte Sub 23 Corea Norte 3 4 1 7
26 Singapur Sub 23 Singapur 3 5 3 5
27 Hong Kong Sub 23 Hong Kong 3 2 3 4
28 Mongolia Sub 23 Mongolia 3 1 5 0
29 Corea del Sur Sub 23 Corea 3 16 3 7
30 Australia Sub 23 Australia 3 14 2 7
31 Camboya Sub 23 Camboya 3 2 13 1
32 China Taipei Sub 23 China Taipei 3 1 15 1
33 Japón Sub 23 Japón 3 21 0 9
34 Myanmar Sub 23 Myanmar 3 11 7 6
35 Timor Oriental Sub 23 Timor 3 5 16 3
36 Macao Sub 23 Macao 3 3 17 0
37 China Sub 23 China 3 15 2 7
38 Malasia Sub 23 Malasia 3 6 2 7
39 Laos Sub 23 Laos Sub 23 3 3 8 3
40 Filipinas Sub 23 Filipinas 3 2 14 0
41 Vietnam Sub 23 Vietnam 3 11 0 9
42 Tailandia Sub 23 Tailandia 3 12 4 6
43 Indonesia Sub 23 Indonesia 3 2 6 3
44 Brunei Sub 23 Brunei 3 1 16 0
TEMPORADA 2017/2018
Equipo PJ GF GC Puntos
1 Omán Sub 23 Omán 2 7 1 6
2 Irán Sub 23 Irán 2 2 3 3
3 Sri Lanka Sub 23 Lanka 0 0 0 0
4 Kirguistán Sub 23 Kirguistán 2 2 7 0
5 Iraq Sub 23 Iraq Sub 23 3 12 1 9
6 Arabia Saudí Sub 23 Arabia 3 11 3 6
7 Bahréin Sub 23 Bahréin 3 4 5 3
8 Afganistán Sub 23 Afganistán 3 0 18 0
9 Catar Sub 23 Catar 3 4 1 7
10 Siria Sub 23 Siria 3 3 1 5
11 India Sub 23 India 3 3 4 3
12 Turkmenistán Sub 23 Turkmenistá 3 1 5 1
13 Uzbekistán Sub 23 Uzbekistán 3 7 1 9
14 Emiratos Árabes Sub 23 Emiratos 3 6 2 6
15 Líbano Sub 23 Líbano 3 3 4 3
16 Nepal Sub 23 Nepal 3 0 9 0
17 Palestina Sub 23 Palestina 3 8 4 7
18 Jordania Sub 23 Jordania 3 11 3 6
19 Tayikistán Sub 23 Tayikistán 3 5 5 4
20 Bangladesh Sub 23 Bangladesh 3 1 13 0
21 Australia Sub 23 Australia 3 12 0 9
22 Myanmar Sub 23 Myanmar 3 5 3 6
23 Singapur Sub 23 Singapur 3 4 10 3
24 Brunei Sub 23 Brunei 3 1 9 0
25 Corea del Norte Sub 23 Corea Norte 3 14 2 7
26 Hong Kong Sub 23 Hong Kong 3 6 2 5
27 Laos Sub 23 Laos Sub 23 3 4 8 4
28 China Taipei Sub 23 China Taipei 3 2 14 0
29 Malasia Sub 23 Malasia 3 5 3 6
30 Tailandia Sub 23 Tailandia 3 4 1 5
31 Indonesia Sub 23 Indonesia 3 7 3 4
32 Mongolia Sub 23 Mongolia 3 1 10 1
33 Corea del Sur Sub 23 Corea 3 12 1 7
34 Vietnam Sub 23 Vietnam 3 13 3 6
35 Timor Oriental Sub 23 Timor 3 7 5 4
36 Macao Sub 23 Macao 3 2 25 0
37 China Sub 23 China 3 4 1 7
38 Japón Sub 23 Japón 3 11 2 6
39 Camboya Sub 23 Camboya 3 1 2 4
40 Filipinas Sub 23 Filipinas 3 0 11 0
TEMPORADA 2015/2016
Equipo PJ GF GC Puntos
1 Iraq Sub 23 Iraq Sub 23 4 15 4 10
2 Omán Sub 23 Omán 4 12 3 8
3 Bahréin Sub 23 Bahréin 4 4 3 5
4 Líbano Sub 23 Líbano 4 3 9 4
5 Maldivas Sub 23 Maldivas 4 2 17 0
6 Jordania Sub 23 Jordania 3 12 3 7
7 Kuwait Sub 23 Kuwait 3 5 3 5
8 Pakistán Sub 23 Pakistán 3 3 8 3
9 Kirguistán Sub 23 Kirguistán 3 1 7 1
10 Arabia Saudí Sub 23 Arabia 4 9 1 10
11 Irán Sub 23 Irán 4 15 2 9
12 Palestina Sub 23 Palestina 4 6 4 6
13 Afganistán Sub 23 Afganistán 4 2 8 4
14 Nepal Sub 23 Nepal 4 0 17 0
15 Emiratos Árabes Sub 23 Emiratos 3 8 0 9
16 Yemen Sub 23 Yemen 3 7 2 6
17 Tayikistán Sub 23 Tayikistán 3 6 6 3
18 Sri Lanka Sub 23 Lanka 3 1 14 0
19 Siria Sub 23 Siria 3 10 1 9
20 Uzbekistán Sub 23 Uzbekistán 3 7 2 6
21 India Sub 23 India 3 0 6 1
22 Bangladesh Sub 23 Bangladesh 3 0 8 1
23 Australia Sub 23 Australia 3 15 1 9
24 Myanmar Sub 23 Myanmar 3 6 6 6
25 China Taipei Sub 23 China Taipei 3 3 8 3
26 Hong Kong Sub 23 Hong Kong 3 2 11 0
27 Corea del Norte Sub 23 Corea Norte 3 8 1 7
28 Tailandia Sub 23 Tailandia 3 7 2 7
29 Camboya Sub 23 Camboya 3 5 7 3
30 Filipinas Sub 23 Filipinas 3 2 12 0
31 Corea del Sur Sub 23 Corea 3 12 0 9
32 Indonesia Sub 23 Indonesia 3 7 4 6
33 Timor Oriental Sub 23 Timor 3 3 8 3
34 Brunei Sub 23 Brunei 3 0 10 0
35 Japón Sub 23 Japón 3 10 0 9
36 Vietnam Sub 23 Vietnam 3 9 3 6
37 Malasia Sub 23 Malasia 3 3 3 3
38 Macao Sub 23 Macao 3 0 16 0
39 China Sub 23 China 3 13 0 9
40 Laos Sub 23 Laos Sub 23 3 7 3 4
41 Singapur Sub 23 Singapur 3 2 7 2
42 Mongolia Sub 23 Mongolia 3 2 14 1
TEMPORADA 2012/2013
Equipo PJ GF GC Puntos
1 Iraq Sub 23 Iraq Sub 23 5 12 3 11
2 Emiratos Árabes Sub 23 Emiratos 5 8 4 11
3 Omán Sub 23 Omán 5 11 6 10
4 India Sub 23 India 5 11 10 7
5 Líbano Sub 23 Líbano 5 12 18 3
6 Turkmenistán Sub 23 Turkmenistá 5 3 16 0
7 Arabia Saudí Sub 23 Arabia 5 15 2 13
8 Siria Sub 23 Siria 5 13 3 13
9 Kirguistán Sub 23 Kirguistán 5 7 2 7
10 Palestina Sub 23 Palestina 5 3 7 5
11 Sri Lanka Sub 23 Lanka 5 1 17 2
12 Pakistán Sub 23 Pakistán 5 0 8 1
13 Maldivas Sub 23 Maldivas 5 2 21 0
14 Irán Sub 23 Irán 5 13 2 13
15 Kuwait Sub 23 Kuwait 5 12 1 12
16 Bahréin Sub 23 Bahréin 5 5 5 7
17 Tayikistán Sub 23 Tayikistán 5 7 8 6
18 Catar Sub 23 Catar 5 6 8 6
19 Jordania Sub 23 Jordania 4 13 1 12
20 Uzbekistán Sub 23 Uzbekistán 4 8 7 7
21 Yemen Sub 23 Yemen 4 7 6 7
22 Nepal Sub 23 Nepal 4 6 9 3
23 Bangladesh Sub 23 Bangladesh 4 3 14 0
24 Japón Sub 23 Japón 5 20 2 15
25 Australia Sub 23 Australia 5 7 7 10
26 Indonesia Sub 23 Indonesia 5 7 7 9
27 Singapur Sub 23 Singapur 5 6 6 7
28 Timor Oriental Sub 23 Timor 5 5 9 3
29 Macao Sub 23 Macao 5 4 18 0
30 Corea del Norte Sub 23 Corea Norte 5 11 4 13
31 China Sub 23 China 5 12 3 11
32 Tailandia Sub 23 Tailandia 5 11 6 7
33 Laos Sub 23 Laos Sub 23 5 7 7 7
34 Camboya Sub 23 Camboya 5 6 15 4
35 Hong Kong Sub 23 Hong Kong 5 3 15 0
36 Corea del Sur Sub 23 Corea 5 23 3 13
37 Myanmar Sub 23 Myanmar 5 16 5 13
38 Malasia Sub 23 Malasia 5 17 7 9
39 China Taipei Sub 23 China Taipei 5 9 20 6
40 Vietnam Sub 23 Vietnam 5 11 10 3
41 Filipinas Sub 23 Filipinas 5 2 33 0

7,703,808 bytes
Loading Time Base Classes  0.0023
Controller Execution Time ( Home / Category )  0.1193
Total Execution Time  0.1216
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  CONSULTAS (30)  
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0.0020  SELECT c.id, c.name, c.alias, l.id AS league_id, l.year, l.group_code, l.total_group, c.id AS categoryId, c.stepParent FROM categories AS c INNER JOIN leagues AS l ON c.id=l.categoryId AND c.active_year=l.year WHERE c.id=2743 ORDER BY l.group_code ASC
0.0018  SELECT id,name,alias,stepParent FROM categories WHERE parentId=2743 ORDER BY order_id ASC
0.0022  SELECT dt.nameShow,dt.basealias,t.id,t.teamId FROM teams t INNER JOIN datateams dt ON t.teamId = dt.id WHERE t.league_id = 71814 ORDER BY dt.relations DESC, dt.nameShow ASC LIMIT 50
0.0020  SELECT id,year,current_round,total_teams,legend FROM leagues WHERE categoryId = 1846 AND group_code = 1 and tables = 1 AND year <= 2024 AND total_num_tablesR >= 1 ORDER BY year DESC LIMIT 22
0.0025  SELECT t.*,dt.nameShow,dt.basealias,dt.id as teamId,(cast(t.gf as signed) - cast(t.ga as signed) + 100) as diff,team.teamId FROM `tables2024` as t INNER JOIN teams as team ON team.id = t.team INNER JOIN datateams as dt ON team.teamId = dt.id WHERE t.league_id = 71814 AND t.round = 3 ORDER BY team.conference ASC,t.position ASC,t.points DESC,t.priority DESC, diff DESC, t.gf DESC, dt.nameShow ASC
0.0024  SELECT t.*,dt.nameShow,dt.basealias,dt.id as teamId,(cast(t.gf as signed) - cast(t.ga as signed) + 100) as diff,team.teamId FROM `tables2022` as t INNER JOIN teams as team ON team.id = t.team INNER JOIN datateams as dt ON team.teamId = dt.id WHERE t.league_id = 65505 AND t.round = 3 ORDER BY team.conference ASC,t.position ASC,t.points DESC,t.priority DESC, diff DESC, t.gf DESC, dt.nameShow ASC
0.0024  SELECT t.*,dt.nameShow,dt.basealias,dt.id as teamId,(cast(t.gf as signed) - cast(t.ga as signed) + 100) as diff,team.teamId FROM `tables2020` as t INNER JOIN teams as team ON team.id = t.team INNER JOIN datateams as dt ON team.teamId = dt.id WHERE t.league_id = 48166 AND t.round = 3 ORDER BY team.conference ASC,t.position ASC,t.points DESC,t.priority DESC, diff DESC, t.gf DESC, dt.nameShow ASC
0.0031  SELECT t.*,dt.nameShow,dt.basealias,dt.id as teamId,(cast(t.gf as signed) - cast(t.ga as signed) + 100) as diff,team.teamId FROM `tables2018` as t INNER JOIN teams as team ON team.id = t.team INNER JOIN datateams as dt ON team.teamId = dt.id WHERE t.league_id = 38105 AND t.round = 3 ORDER BY team.conference ASC,t.points DESC,t.priority DESC, diff DESC, t.gf DESC, dt.nameShow ASC
0.0027  SELECT t.*,dt.nameShow,dt.basealias,dt.id as teamId,(cast(t.gf as signed) - cast(t.ga as signed) + 100) as diff,team.teamId FROM `tables2016` as t INNER JOIN teams as team ON team.id = t.team INNER JOIN datateams as dt ON team.teamId = dt.id WHERE t.league_id = 56755 AND t.round = 5 ORDER BY team.conference ASC,t.points DESC,t.priority DESC, diff DESC, t.gf DESC, dt.nameShow ASC
0.0026  SELECT t.*,dt.nameShow,dt.basealias,dt.id as teamId,(cast(t.gf as signed) - cast(t.ga as signed) + 100) as diff,team.teamId FROM `tables2013` as t INNER JOIN teams as team ON team.id = t.team INNER JOIN datateams as dt ON team.teamId = dt.id WHERE t.league_id = 56751 AND t.round = 5 ORDER BY team.conference ASC,t.points DESC,t.priority DESC, diff DESC, t.gf DESC, dt.nameShow ASC
0.0018  SELECT url,page_views,page_title FROM rf_statcounter_popular_pages_hourly WHERE type=1 AND last_update > '2024-04-28 03:58:44' GROUP BY url ORDER BY page_views DESC LIMIT 5
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0.0024  SELECT c.*, l.*, '' as namec FROM leagues_webci l INNER JOIN categories_webci c ON l.categoryId = c.id WHERE c.alias = 'clasificacion_campeonato_sub23_afc' AND (l.group_code = 0 OR l.group_code = 1 OR l.group_code = 0) AND l.year = 2024 ORDER BY l.year=c.active_year DESC,l.year DESC, l.group_code=0 DESC LIMIT 1
0.0018  SELECT l.id FROM leagues_webci l WHERE l.categoryId = 1846 AND l.year = 2024
0.0022  SELECT e.action, count(e.action) as total, e.player_id FROM events2024 e WHERE e.league_id IN (71814) AND (e.action = 1 or e.action = 2 or e.action = 11 or e.action = 12 or e.action = 13) GROUP BY e.player_id ORDER BY total DESC, e.player_id ASC LIMIT 10
0.0022  SELECT dp.name, dp.last_name, dp.nick,dp.CountryCode,dp.alias,rp.team_id,dt.nameShow,dt.short_name,dt.basealias,rp.player_id,rp.teamId,dp.role FROM dataplayers AS dp INNER JOIN rel_players AS rp ON rp.player_id=dp.id AND rp.league_id IN (71814) INNER JOIN datateams AS dt ON rp.teamId=dt.id WHERE dp.id IN (927402,3391928,1027145,3186009,3503264,876859,897273,899865,914851,984038) ORDER BY rp.in_squad = 1 DESC
0.0018  SELECT l.id FROM leagues_webci l WHERE l.categoryId = 1846 AND l.year = 2024
0.0020  SELECT e.action, count(e.action) as total, e.player_id FROM events2024 e WHERE e.league_id IN (71814) AND (e.action = 4 or e.action = 5) GROUP BY e.player_id ORDER BY total DESC, e.player_id ASC LIMIT 10
0.0024  SELECT dp.name, dp.last_name, dp.nick,dp.CountryCode,dp.alias,rp.team_id,dt.nameShow,dt.short_name,dt.basealias,rp.player_id,rp.teamId,dp.role FROM dataplayers AS dp INNER JOIN rel_players AS rp ON rp.player_id=dp.id AND rp.league_id IN (71814) INNER JOIN datateams AS dt ON rp.teamId=dt.id WHERE dp.id IN (893186,911198,3155709,3158019,3192019,3210491,3222602,3287388,447520,448541) ORDER BY rp.in_squad = 1 DESC
0.0020  SELECT l.id FROM leagues_webci l WHERE l.categoryId = 1846 AND l.year = 2024
0.0018  SELECT e.action, count(e.action) as total, e.player_id FROM events2024 e WHERE e.league_id IN (71814) AND (e.action = 3 or e.action = 4) GROUP BY e.player_id ORDER BY total DESC, e.player_id ASC LIMIT 10
0.0019  SELECT dp.name, dp.last_name, dp.nick,dp.CountryCode,dp.alias,rp.team_id,dt.nameShow,dt.short_name,dt.basealias,rp.player_id,rp.teamId,dp.role FROM dataplayers AS dp INNER JOIN rel_players AS rp ON rp.player_id=dp.id AND rp.league_id IN (71814) INNER JOIN datateams AS dt ON rp.teamId=dt.id WHERE dp.id IN (3222602,3287388,3392965,3407167) ORDER BY rp.in_squad = 1 DESC
0.0051  SELECT *,(cast(t.gf as signed) - cast(t.ga as signed) + 100) as diff,team.teamId FROM `tables2024` as t INNER JOIN teams as team ON team.id = t.team INNER JOIN datateams as dt ON team.teamId = dt.id WHERE t.league_id = 71814 AND t.round = 3 ORDER BY team.conference ASC,t.position ASC,t.points DESC,t.priority DESC, diff DESC, t.gf DESC, dt.nameShow ASC